Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Today I decided to follow my Little miss around and document her day.  This is by far, my FAVORITE kind of photography!  She is my wild child, dare devil, care free spirit... she also gives me reason to worry.  Somehow at the age of 3 she has learned about 'trust falls' and will (without warning) stand at the top of our stairs and yell "TRUST FALL!"  Then she goes...ready or not.  So, I always need to be ready.  She always has a bruise (or two).  We are always out of lotion, because she will apply a month's worth in 2 minutes.  She loves to run around without clothing, which can pose a problem at times!  This was her day, today.  Tomorrow will be completely different.  That's what I love....I never know what to expect from day to day.  Yes, it is extremely tiring, but I wouldn't miss it for the world!!
Blocks.... one of the best toys ever made! 

This is typical... the other 2 appear dead to the world, while my Little Miss has energy for days.

Checking out those toes

Forts aren't just for little boys!!

This is always a highlight, when big sis does the little one's hair

honestly, I can't remember what this tear was about.  There are on average, 20 breakdowns in a day.  This one was special...using paper to wipe away her tears!

stinker... climbing where she isn't allowed

The hair.... ALWAYS crazy!!

and the eyes....they get me every time!

we were fortunate to end the day with a HUGE smile!! 

Monday, August 10, 2015

This group of adorable children enjoy school at home.  So, naturally, they still needed school photos!  That was the main purpose of these shots...head shots, while still catching a little personality :) 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Portrait session

Every year I do new photos of my own kiddos.  I'm not a fan of the school photos, but always feel obligated to buy them...then I am always disappointed!  Besides, I love having photos of my kids all together.